The Rhino business mission is a no-nonsense, shoulder to the wheel attitude that best represents what Rhino is about – working as a team to deliver what clients demand.
The business know-how of the management team together with the energy and focus of well trained project teams is harnessed to deliver quality client outcomes. Our clients demand that projects be completed in a timely and professional manner and in accordance with OHS&E standards. The business has grown consistently since commencement as Rhino continues to deliver what our clients value most, namely
- Reliability
- Consistency
- Predictability
- Accountability
As the ‘Rhino’ symbol suggests, Rhino delivers with force and never shirks its commitment to deliver as promised.
The organisation structure is lean. Flexibility is highly prized. Our people have core job responsibilities, and additionally, are trained and skilled to perform multiple roles to get things done on time.
Ryan and his key operational team have amongst them 60 years experience in building, demolition and strip-outs. Their responsibility is to create the infrastructure, systems and policies to make it easier for the project teams to finalise jobs. Leadership is by example. Rhino’s belief is that profitability and long-term viability come from implementing and following proven financial, operating and scheduling systems and attracting the right people to the organisation.
The engine room and driving force of the business are our supervisors and project teams. Our policy is to recruit the best, provide on-going training and offer compelling reasons for good people to stay. We have a number of highly capable and competent supervisors who direct and control the project teams, all of whom proudly wear the company uniform.
Before any team works on site, there is an induction and the supervisor ensures that each person holds a green card and has received the necessary training to complete the job.
The fact that demolition is a high risk injury activity is the reason Rhino takes its responsibilities in this area very seriously. A culture of safety starts from the top and it is the responsibility of the Leadership Team to provide a work environment that ensures compliance with safe work practices. Rhino has developed an Induction Manual outlining safe operating practices on vehicles, equipment, tools, uniforms, safety apparel and first aid. Before any project commences, it is mandatory that a Safe Work Methods Statement is written.
On site, it is not just the supervisor's responsibility but everyone's responsibility to ensure compliance with safe work practices. We are proud of our safety record to date. Since Rhino commenced trading, there has been no time lost through injuries nor has there been any Workcover citation against the company. And we are committed to keep it that way.
Rhino is committed to improving the environment in which we all live by actively re-using, salvaging or recycling construction and waste materials to prevent excessive waste at land fill facilities.
A substantial investment in vehicles, equipment and tools is required to manage the size and diversity of projects that Rhino wins. Speed of access to the right mode of transport and equipment is critical to meet client deadlines. We currently have deployed on projects our own heavy duty trucks, support vehicles, excavators, forklifts and a range of assorted demolition equipment to fill a warehouse.
We value working co-operatively and in collaboration with other contractors and suppliers to achieve project performance levels and deadlines. The equipment we do not own is rented from a network of suppliers who provide advantages in tailoring equipment to specific project requirements.